The Grace is a not-for-profit childcare centre that is governed by a parent board, who ensure that the centre is run for the benefit of the community at large and that the overriding goals for the service are to provide high quality education and care
Our educators are supported by a management team with clearly dedicated roles and responsibilities. All educators are working together to support effective high-quality service and continuous improvement. Our policies and procedures are reviewed and reflect current regulation and National Quality Standards. These are available to parents and easily accessible to encourage feedback and input.
Our program is supported by and Educational Leader who’s childcare philosophies are in line with the overall goals for the service. Our educators are given time and opportunities to be supported in their professional development both within the service and externally.
We believe in creating a positive culture and professional learning community by acknowledging each educators’ strengths and building a team that supports effective decision making and operation of the service.
Extra Curricula
with Kickerooos
with Ukubebe
Garden Club
Waverly community garden
Bush Kindy
at Centennial Parklands
Hours of Operation
Long Day Care Centre
Monday to Friday - 7:30am to 6pm
Ages: 6 weeks - 6 years old